Thursday, April 17, 2008


The Presuppositions of NLP

* The map is not the territory.
Our mental maps of the world are not the actual world,we respond directly to our maps rather than to the original world.So expand your mental world.

* Experience has a structure.
The ability to change the process by which we experience reality is more often valuable than changing the content of our experience of reality.Our thoughts of memory have a pattern,when we change that pattern,our experiences automatically chenge.Thus we can neutralise our unpleasant memories and enrich our happiest memories.

* The meaning of the communication is the response you get.

* There is a positive intention motivating every behavior, and a context in which every behavior has value.

* The resources an individual needs in order to effect a change are already within them.

* We cannot NOT communicate
All distinctions human beings are able to make concerning our environment and our behavior can be usefully represented through the visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory senses.

* If one person can do something,anyone can learn to do it.

* The mind and body are the parts of the same system.

* There is no Failure only Feedback
All results and behaviors are achievements, whether they are desired outcomes for a given task/context, or not.

* People are always making the best choice available to them.

* If what you are doing is not working,do something else or do anything else.

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